Indie filmmakers should abandon their distributors because they may not be the best fit for the filmmaker’s project. If a filmmaker wants to produce a quality film, they need to look for filmmakers they admire and build relationships with them. Film festivals can also be a great resource for finding new partners.
What are some reasons Indie filmmakers should abandon their distributors?
One reason Indie filmmakers should abandon their distributors is that they may not be the best fit for the filmmaker’s project. Distributors are often times hired to bring a project to a wide audience, but that isn’t always what is best for the filmmaker’s project. Indie filmmakers should instead try to build relationships with filmmakers they admire and find other film festivals that they would be a good fit for. These festivals will be much more interested in helping the filmmaker reach their audience rather than distributing the project to a wider audience.
How can Indie filmmakers build better relationships with filmmakers they admire?
One way to build better relationships with filmmakers you admire is to get to know them. Understand what their work is about, what inspires them, and how their films reflect that. When you get to know them, you can start to see how their projects would be a good fit for you and your project. Additionally, finding other film festivals that you would be a good fit for can also help you connect with like-minded filmmakers. Finally, reaching out to filmmakers you admire and asking if they would be interested in distributing your project is the best way to go.
What are some film festivals that Indie filmmakers should be a good fit for?
One way to find film festivals that are a good fit for your project is to look at festivals that you admire. Another way to find film festivals is by searching online. If you can’t find a festival that is a good fit for your project, you can always try reaching out to filmmakers you admire and see if they would be interested in distributing your film.
Regardless of whether or not a distributor is a good fit for your project, having relationships with other filmmakers is always valuable. By building relationships with filmmakers you admire, you’re more likely to be successful in finding a distributor who is a good fit for your project. Additionally, reaching out to other film festivals can also prove fruitful. By doing this, you’ll increase the chances of your film being seen by a wider audience.
If you’re an Indie filmmaker, it’s important to put your own success first and build better relationships with filmmakers you admire. You can do this by attending film festivals that you would be a good fit for, and then reaching out to filmmakers to see if they would be interested in distributing your project.
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